After my third (and last!) child was born, I felt like my body was no longer my own. I’ve always taken care of myself. I worked hard to stay at or around my ideal weight, trained at the gym and took pride in my appearance. Now I looked in the mirror and saw a pumpkin...
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is used to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen. Many women choose to get a tummy tuck after pregnancy but it is also useful for those who have lost a significant amount of weight or just want to improve abdominal firmness due to...
A nice and balanced rhinoplasty result by board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Fadi Constantine. This case presents with a pronounced hump on the nose. We were able to sculpt a much more traditional nose structure and really balance this patient’s features. We...
Great result in a breast reduction. We were able to radically reduce the size and profile of the patient’s breast. Another nice thing about this result is the smaller aerola we also achieved for the patient. It’s extremely rewarding when we can help a...
After reading through the preceding 4 parts of our breast surgery guide, hopefully, you should now be much better informed with breast surgery and what it involves. If you haven’t already looked at them, be sure to go back and look through them. In this final part we...
Important aspects of preparing yourself for breast surgery include being familiar with aftercare, timeline of healing, and when final results can be expected. Depending on the type of surgery you have – it may take a few weeks to months for you to see the final...