Dr. Constantine Blog

Biofilms often lead to complications in breast augmentation and other plastic surgeries. Dr. Constantine helped to author this deep dive into the observation and management of biofilms in plastic surgery. This really shows how Dr. C works to improve plastic surgery results for doctors worldwide.


PDF: The Ever Changing Role Of Biofilms In Plastic Surgery

The goal of this article is to present a brief background of biofilms and how they pertain to plastic surgery. Of particular interest are how biofilms affect breast prosthesis and their subsequent complications. The authors also present information on how biofilms are involved in soft-tissue filler complications. After a brief review of the pathophysiology of biofilms and their effect on plastic surgery, the authors propose a revised algorithm to assist in guiding the plastic surgeon when faced with complications that involve biofilms that involves more rapid diagnosis and treatment using polymerase chain reaction technology. This article is a review of recent literature. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 133: 865e, 2014.)

Biofilms are prevalent and pervasive in the medical field, costing greater than $1 billion annually and being responsible for up to 80 percent of all infections. omnipresence is relevant with regard to indwelling medical prostheses, as in capsular contracture with breast implants and delayed complications with soft-tissue fillers. Recent advances in the use of polymerase chain reaction allow for rapid identification of biofilm microbes and for polymerase chain reaction culture-directed antibiotic therapy as opposed to empiric coverage. Using polymerase chain reaction, a more expeditious identification of an infectious microbe can lead to faster treatment and thus could lead to lower overall medical costs and improved outcomes. Although most accept their existence, the impact of biofilms on the medical field has yet to be fully appreciated. Characterized as a microbial community that has produced a polymeric matrix that is irreversibly adherent to both living and nonliving surfaces, biofilms account for 99.9 percent of all microbial biomass on earth. sources of contamination in water, medical pros- theses, and catheter-related infections. biofilms were originally conceptualized in 1978, visual observation proved more elusive until the application of the scanning electron microscope.

PDF: The Ever Changing Role Of Biofilms In Plastic Surgery