Dr. Constantine Blog

If you’re considering a facelift then it’s important that you’re aware of all the things it entails so you can make a fully informed decision. One of the most important things to be aware is the recovery and downtime. A facelift is considered a major procedure and having one will mean taking some time off work so you can recover.


To help you decide if you want to go ahead with your facelift, below are the main stages of recovery in the month after surgery –

  • 1st week

    In the week immediately following your surgery, you’ll notice a good amount of swelling and bruising. This is completely normal. You’ll also be prescribed pain medication to help deal with any discomfort in the first few days. It’s not unusual for patients to feel some nausea in the first few days after surgery, although this is usually a side effect of the pain medication rather than as a result of the operation itself.

    It’s definitely recommended that you take the first week off work and try to take it easy as much as you can. Light housework is fine after the first few days but you should definitely avoid anything strenuous, such as heavy lifting or intense exercise.

  • 2nd week

    Swelling around the face and neck is still perfectly normal in the 2nd week after your surgery, although it should have subsided considerably compared to the first few days. You may be well enough to return to work by week 2 but this is completely your choice.

    Many people are self-conscious about the appearance of their face at this stage and would rather stay off work until it’s healed more. Wearing makeup to hide the bruising/swelling is an option too.

  • 3rd week

    In the 3rd week is when you should start to notice the incisions healing. The swelling and bruising should also have improved a lot by this time and many patients feel comfortable enough to return to work. Exercise and work are usually OK by this time, providing there isn’t any risk of injury.

  • 4th week

    By the 4th week, most of the noticeable swelling and bruising should have subsided and you’ll be able to return to your normal daily routine. It’s important to note that although it only takes 2-4 weeks for you to physically recover from a facelift, it can take up to a year until everything has fully healed and you can appreciate the final result. The changes after a month are very subtle however, and will likely only be noticed by you.

If you’d like to schedule a consultation for a facelift with Dr Constantine then get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.