Dr. Constantine Blog

If you live in Dallas and are looking for a plastic surgeon, it is important to be selective about which surgeon performs your surgery. While there are many excellent plastic surgeons in Dallas, it can be difficult to decide on the right one if you don’t know what factors to take into account.

To help you decide which plastic surgeon to choose in Dallas, below are some of the most important things to consider.

Things to consider 

  • 1. Training – Training is an extremely important factor to take into account when deciding on a plastic surgeon. Any reputable surgeon will be open about where they trained and whom they trained under. Knowing that your plastic surgeon received good training will put your mind at ease and give you confidence that they will be capable to help you achieve your ideal outcome.

  • 2. Artistry – Plastic surgery is a balance of both art and science. Make sure you choose a surgeon who is truly tuned into both sides of this balance. You want to find a surgeon that sees symmetry and balance clearly and can avoid an operated on or unnatural look in your result.

  • 3. Procedures offered – Most plastic surgeons will be able to perform a wide range of procedures, but this is not always the case. If you want a specialized procedure, it is important to ensure that the surgeon you choose has experience performing it in the past. Each type of procedure requires a particular skill set. It is vital that the surgeon is confident carrying out such procedures so ideal results are achieved.

  • 4. Manner – As important as experience and training are, it is also important that you are able to get along well with your plastic surgeon. Depending on the type of procedure you have done, you could end up seeing him/her frequently over the course of your recovery. For this reason it’s very important that you’re able to communicate well and feel comfortable asking them any questions that you may have.

  • 5. Location – Dallas is a big place and therefore location is another important factor to take into account. Although you shouldn’t base your decision solely on location, the recovery period following your procedure and any follow-up sessions will be much more convenient if the clinic is close to where you live.